Contract law is omnipresent in business life.
As such, in each of its specialties, AXIPITER daily practices the drafting and negotiation of specific contracts:
- in “Corporate Law – Mergers and Acquisitions”, confidentiality agreements (“NDA”), letters of intent (“LOI”), transfer protocols (“SPA”), asset and liability guarantee (“Reps'”), shareholder’s agreements (“SHA”), banking agreements, etc.
- in “Social law”, the employment contract, which translates into multiple forms (CDD, CDI, part-time, etc.)
- in “Tax law”, integration agreements, management fees, intra-group services, etc.
- in “Litigation”, a large part of litigation has a contractual or quasi-contractual basis.
AXIPITER supports its clients in economic law, in France and abroad, throughout the structuring and development of their activities, by assisting them on all legal issues relating to their exchanges with their clients, their suppliers, their partners, even their competitors.
AXIPITER lawyers are involved in many specialties, including:
- sales (CGV, CGA, CGU, e-commerce, distance selling, soliciting, telephone sales, etc.),
- distribution (agency, franchise, selective distribution, exclusive distribution, commission, brokerage, storage, central etc.),
- business assets (leases, transfers, contributions, rental-management),
- industry (patent licenses, trademarks and other IP rights, manufacturing, subcontracting, etc.),
- IT (development contracts, software license, assistance and maintenance contracts), guarantees (bonds, pledges, pledges, first demands, etc.).